Hope you have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!
May your stuffing be tasty
My kids LOVE doing this! They go and get their "footy pajamas" on and hit the stairs time after time. I'm not sure who has more fun though, the kids--or the dog.
Andrew and Addy worked together to put this fascinating musical instrument together. Designed to be able to play it from either direction. Andrew is modeling the choke-hold method--much akin to the Suzuki method you have no doubt heard about. I have talented children, that much is for sure.
All three children gathered up buckets of water and lotions and heaven only knows what else into the living room last night. They then presented me with an invitation to visit their "spa." They were trying to pick out a dress for me to wear after I went to the spa. I asked them what this was all for and Kaylee replied, "We want to make you pretty so that daddy will want to take you on a date." Kaylee continued, "What dress would make daddy bounce around and want to kiss you all night?" -------------OH MY GOODNESS! Where do they come up with this stuff???