I'm not sure which has been harder...
Being without Jeff for 10 days
Being without my camera!
Thank goodness they both get home tonight!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Informed Decsions
This is why I support and listen to Ron Paul. Take the time to watch this!!!! Whether you are Republican or Democrat--He makes Sense! He's right on the money and the fact is----It is time for TRUTH to once again reign in America not the platforms and secret agendas that currently blot our national politics. I know that the election is over but there is much that we can and should be paying attention too and raising our voices to either oppose or support. If you are not sure where you stand on ANY particular issue--before you make up your mind--find out what Ron Paul has said about it and just see if that doesn't make things a lot clearer in your mind so that you can make a much more informed decision. It may surprise you!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Getting Crafty
Friday, August 7, 2009
Huckleberry Adventures
The kids loved climbing the big lookout tower to the top. The view was stunning! You could see for miles in any direction. The tower itself is kind of neat in that you can actually rent it out to camp overnight in it. It had a bed, fridge, sink, and stove with 360 degree windows to take in the breathtaking panoramic scenery.
When the kids got tired of picking they entertained themselves playing in the woods
After we were all hot and tired of picking berries we piled in the truck, headed down the mountain and over to Laird park for a cool swim in the river. Kaylee, Isaac, and Addison had fun taking turns jumping off the dam into the river. Sometimes I'm surprised by how brave they can be one minute and how, at other times, their fear can get the better of them over something that to my mind is not near as scary. Go figure, I guess it's just like food--I'm often amazed by what they actually like (ie. fried onions or artichoke hearts) and what they decide not to like (ie. Kool Aid or grilled cheese sandwiches). But I digress...
No one wanted to leave but we had to get back to pick up Brody. I half expected my kids to zonk out as soon as we hit the highway but they were having too much fun fighting the whole way home. It was that--"I'm so exhausted that I have absolutely no more reasoning capability" sort of fighting. Good thing I still had a few more snacks left.