My family and I are starting our very first Christmas Story Advent. I'm so excited. We read our first one tonight after we got home from walking in the Light up the Night parade. It set the perfect tone for winding up a very busy day and climbing into beds with happy hearts and contented smiles.
I first came upon this idea while browsing the
fun blog of my good friend Aimee. She puts songs inside her little pockets and so every night they sing one Christmas song together. I loved the idea right from the start and last year I decided to sew them together so that we could put them into action for this year. Anyone who knows me, knows that I L*O*V*E reading Christmas stories as a family. So I thought that instead of songs, I would put a story inside each one.

I sewed little envelopes out of red felt with Christmasy fabric on the top flap. Then I printed up one Christmas story for each envelope. Each night before bed one of the kids picks out an envelope and we read that story together, as a family. I found most of my stories at
THIS SITE for the Friend Childrens Magazine. It has hundreds of Wonderful Christmas stories from past issues. We should have new stories to read for years to come.
If you would like to "read-along", I'll post a link for the stories that we read each day. You may not have time to make the envelopes but you could at least enjoy the stories with us.
Click HERE for today's wonderful story.
I hope that this might help the upcoming Holidays become a special and memorable time for you and your family.