Saturday, January 30, 2010
Who's afraid of the big, bad "loaf"?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Three Keys to Happy Marriages
I came across this quote not so long ago that spoke volumes to me. Val R. Christensen said, “Close observation leads me to believe that the growth of individuals after marriage is largely dependent upon the positive and negative attitude of their partner. Indeed, what you think of your wife or husband can determine to a great degree what she or he becomes. Your partner can become a slave and a grouch, or a productive and charming person. You both progress according to the way you treat each other.” I have tested this theory within my own marriage and I hold it to be a true principle. It only works however, when you are looking for and emphasizing the sincerely wonderful things that you love about your spouse---not when you are trying to CHANGE them, not when you are trying to get them to do something different. The world tells us that your attitude should be, “I will love you once you have changed into what I want you to be”. God’s way says, “I love you for who you are now and for what I know you can become.” What a difference.

The second principle that is of key importance for me is SELFISHNESS/SelfLESSness. I have never known a marriage to last, or to be happy, when selfishness is one of the main ingredients. I remember that when my husband and I were first married we were living in Little Rock, AR and it was pretty hot and humid during the summer. My husband had grown up sleeping with a fan blowing on him. I did not like the feel of a fan blowing on me and I was very stubborn about it. I cannot tell you how many fights we got into simply because I only cared about myself. I only cared that I was comfortable. If only I could have thought for one second how he felt and sacrificed my own slight discomfort, I could have saved our marriage literally hours and hours of anguish. Gordon B. Hinkley stated once, “Selfishness so often is the basis of money problems, which are a very serious and real factor affecting the stability of family life. Selfishness is at the root of adultery, the breaking of solemn and sacred covenants to satisfy selfish lust. Selfishness is the antithesis of love. It is a cankering expression of greed. It destroys self-discipline. It obliterates loyalty. It tears up sacred covenants. It afflicts both men and women” I admit, I have grown much in respect to this, mostly by the example of my good husband. As I have learned to hold my tongue, control my temper and look at situations from my husbands perspective I know that a lot of the pitfalls listed by Gordon B. Hinkley have been avoided. Many arguments and hard feelings have been avoided and avenues have been opened up for real “heart-to-heart” moments to occur.
The third key to a happy marriage for me has been keeping an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE. Fostering an eternal perspective helps me to prioritize all of the demands on my time, money, talents and energy. I know that something that is going to be important after this life should take precedence over something that is not going to be relevant later on. It also helps keep me grounded as to the things that REALLY ARE important. My mom gave me a little book many years ago that I have always loved called, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and it’s all Small Stuff.” In effect, it says, don’t worry about the little things that don’t really matter. Richard Carlson writes, “Often we allow ourselves to get all worked up about things that, upon closer examination, aren’t really that big a deal. We focus on problems and concerns and blow them way out of proportion.” I have tried to incorporate that philosophy into my relationships at home. I’ve still got a long way to go in that regard but I know that the better I get at it, the happier I, and my marriage will be.
I love being married. My husband is absolutely my very best friend. I can honestly say that I love him WAY more today than I did 17 years ago. I hold fast to the promise by Spencer W. Kimball that, “marriage can be more an exultant ecstasy than the human mind can conceive.”
Friday, January 22, 2010
Annual Interviews
Cereal--- Cookie Crisp
Vegetable---Carrots-cause you can cook them in just about anything. (She also discovered that she likes grilled onions--especially grilled onions, zuchini and carrots)
Drink---Fruit Punch
Toy---My baby brother Kyle. (This is true. I have to keep reminding her that he is a real boy--not a doll. She definitely makes the BEST babysitter though. I can't wait till she is old enough to watch him all alone.)
TV show---She likes "Fineas and Pherb" because "They are active and do a lot of STUFF"
Game---Whoonu (That is one of our family favorites--we like learning what everybody's "favorites" really are.)
Book---Junie B. Jones books or Amelia Bedelia (She has improved her reading this year so much. We are so happy for her)
Restaurant--- Micky D's
Holiday---Christmas because it's a time of sharing and giving (and the presents aren't bad either)Christmas Tradition----I like making gifts because it's more special than just buying them at the store.
Animal----Horse (I think they like to play "horses" at recess)
Movie----Little House on the Prairie (We've got a DVD collection that she likes to watch.)
Clothes----Jeans with the flower embellishment or the ones with the butterfly embellishments with her old navy V-neck t-shirts. She also loves her SUPER soft new bathrobe.
f you could change your name, what would you choose? Katherine
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? Disneyworld/Disneyland and Paris, France because theres lots of lights and good restaurants (this coming from the girl who's fav. restaurant was McDonalds) and I want to see that really tall building.
What are some of your wishes for this year? I wish to not have any cavities and to not have ants in my pants and to learn more about the scriptures so I'll be ready to be baptized. (hmm, I wonder who she is trying to impress. I just hope she is at least partly serious.) She also wants a good haircut an American doll named Addy and to learn how to ice skate.
What do you love about each person in our family?
Dad: He's always playing and joking and he like to know stuff about us. He likes me.
Mom: Awesome at cooking and I love the way you take care of Kyle and your smile. (I guess I'll have to smile more often then aye)
K: She's confident and brave and she always asks good questions
Drew: He asks me questions and he loves to play-act with me and he's always happy
KC: I love his smile and his little baby sounds
My Goals for this year include: To get better at reading, ice skating and to get baptized
Kaylee Favorites
Cereal---Trix or Cookie Crisp
Vegetables---Carrots, zuchini and onions all fried in butter (I swear, anything tastes good if you fry it in enough butter)
Drink---Root Beer Float
Toy---The Wii
TV show---"Fineas and Pherb or Wizards of Waverly Place (Do you see the transition from cartoon to "real-life" shows----boo hoo)
Game---Clue (I have to admit she IS a little OBSESSED with this game right now)
Book----Her current fav. is the Boxcar Children #3
Restaurant-----Chucky Cheeses (I know, We should really get out more often.)
Holiday---Christmas, because there is more time to spend with family
Christmas Tradition---Eating Blueberry muffins and eggs-n-bacon for breakfast (This tradition dates back to her great grandparents on Jeffs side)
Movie---She likes "The Goonies" because, "it's funny and it's adventurous and you're on the edge of your seat. It's like popcorn popping in a bowl."
Clothes----She loves her new sparkly jeans and polka-dot fleece sweatshirt (Fleece sweatshirts are an absolute MUST-HAVE for this girl)
If you could change your name, what would you choose? Tracy or Jamie
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? London, England so that I can see the wax museum or Ireland because some of my ancestors are from there and also to find out why the Irish are "lucky."
What are some of your wishes for this year? To make more friends and have more girls move into the 4th grade and to move to a new house.
What do you love about each person in our family?
Dad: Daddy is always laughing and trys to make us happy--he never talks about himself and he always wants to do things for us and do what we ask for.
Mom: You want to do what we want and you don't ignore us very often. (hmmm, Is there hidden meaning behind that comment?)
A: She's always there for me and trys to think of what I need or want. She trys to help me.
D: He's so cute and funny. He says the funniest things and is so happy and energetic--he could feed an army with his energy.
KC: I love his Laugh and the way he smiles--it's like he's talking to you.
Kaylee's goals include doing a good deed every day and to not watch as much TV and to study more and get stuff done earlier.

Where would you like to go on vacation this year? We are going to Florida in April and I am very much looking forward to that. This summer I just want to stay home and do a bunch of camping, fishing, four-wheeling, and skiing--and if we happen to make to Romania--sweet!
A: This sweet little girl is a fabulous with KC. She plays with him, changes him, holds him and even occasionally feeds him. Someday, she will make an absolutely wonderful mother.
D: My little man is kind to his brother, adores his big sisters and is learning to be a super-duper helper to his mom. He is a sweet ball of energy and at the end of the day when I listen to him say his prayers I can honestly say that he is a JOY to me and I know that there are big things in store for such an amazing little boy.
My goals for this year include teaching my children to sit still during church--since for the first time in our married life Jeff won't be able to come to our ward with us. I would love to learn how to make a shelving unit for our house as well as one for Jeff's office and I can't wait to learn more about photoshop and also Illustrator. (They say in order for goals to be realized you have to write them down, so I am hoping that by writing them down I am already halfway to completing them.)
Well--There you have it. Some of our favorites from last year as well as some of our wishes and goals for next. Mostly, I just want to remember!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Poor, Pitiful Cake

Wait a sec.
Who am I kidding here?
This is how my SAD, little cake actually will turn out.
Maybe I'll just stop at actually owning the pans!
....................Look aren't they beautiful?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Double Digits
1. Zest: She has a zest for life that is impossible to miss. She loves to try new things, learn about everything and just seems to soak it all in.
Monday, January 11, 2010
no hassle games ideas for fhe or anytime
Who's the Animal - To start the game, you need a person that is it. Everyone stands in the circle, except the person who is it, they stand in the middle. Put a blindfold on the person who is it. Have them say "Go" every one runs around, not making any clue of where they are. When the person who is it says "Stop" all the people stop in the circle again. The person who is it points in a direction, saying an animal. Whoever he/she points to has to make the animal noise that they were told. Trying not to sound like themselves. The person tries to guess the person who made the noise. If he/she guesses right, the person who did the animal is it, if not you just pick some one else to be it. - Maren Jacobs
10 Commandment Hopscotch - With side walk chalk make a 10 space hopscotch. As each person throws the rock or bean bag on the numbered space they have to say the commandment that corresponds with that number. if your right you get to keep going if wrong you have to keep trying. each time you move to the next number up you have to say the previous numbers. - Mandy
Four Corners - In a room designate corners by number; 1 through 4. One person covers his eyes and counts to ten slowly and then without uncovering his eyes calls out, "Corner number____ (pick 1,2,3or4)." Everyone that is in the corner he calls out sits down. Repeat until only 1 person is left. The last person is the new counter. - Leah Marley
Noah's Ark - Noah says: You have all been invited to come on the Ark, but there are only certain things that you can take with you. Take turns around in a circle and call out what you would like to bring . Pam may want to bring some pancakes; that would be great to eat Joey may think that's a great idea and want to bring some syrup with it but he can't. But he can bring some jam; whereas Susan can bring some syrup. The goal of the game is to bring items only that start with the first letter in your name. The players will not get it at first and you may need to do a few rounds. (make sure players only bring one item at a time as they go around the circle). Players who figure it out should be told not to say anything. - Palmquist Family
Button, Button, Who Has the Button? - We play button button who has the button. For those who may not know the game I will explain. All you need is a button. Everybody sits in a circle. One person in the middle is 'IT'. The button gets passed around in a concealed manner. Of course, one person must hold onto the button without passing it. The others must pretend they are passing it. After all have passed (or not) 'IT' must point out the person with the button. That person becomes 'IT'. (contributed by Caryn Stapp)
Flour Penny Tower - Materials: Flour, a Penny, a butter knife, bowl and plate. Pour flour onto the bowl. Pack it in. place plate on top of bowl and carefully tip the bowl over. take the bowl off. you should have a perfect nice round flour hill. Put the penny on top. Take turns cutting a chunk of the flour off with the knife. Try to keep the penny on the top of the flour. Eventually the penny will fall. The persons who made it fall has to pick the penny up with their teeth (no hands allowed).
I remember playing those last two with my family growing up. Maybe I like them so much because they give me fond memories.
These were some of my favorites but to see the whole list of ideas you can click HERE.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sew Easy
Friday, January 8, 2010
Kyle Smiles
I think that there couldn't possibly be anything more wonderful than to see a baby smile. Such innocence, such purity and total lack of guile. This baby has left me speechless every time he looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes and his adorable little smile. I can literally feel my heart getting bigger--and being pumped full of that overwhelming feeling that this amazing little creature is actually mine. Oh, how I love this little boy!!! I
have thought so many times how I might describe that feeling that comes over me. I assume that all moms must get it. It's that tingling, tightening, constricting surge that takes over your whole body that makes you want to just S Q U E E Z E him and hug him to you so tightly so as not to ever let go!