Recently, Jeff and I were able to spend one whole, lovely week in the Dominican Republic. Many of our recent vacations have been full to the brim with activities and sightseeing.They have been so jam-packed that we often feel like we are in need of a vacation when we get home. Does that make sense? This time we deliberately decided to s-l-o-w down. This is not easy for yours truly. I literally have to tell myself that this is actually "the Plan"--to not have a plan. There were a few occasions when I had to force myself to sit, pick up a book, and admit to myself (and to Jeff) that doing absolutely nothing is exactly what we needed to be doing right then. You know what? It really was too! I had been going non-stop for months and this one little week was so refreshing. It really was exactly what we needed at this time in our lives.
Another bonus that comes with being upgraded to the Elite Suite was the Super Deluxe golf cart that we were able to drive. We called it "the Limo." We stayed at the Casa De Campo Resort which is a huge resort with thousands of acres devoted to different aspects of the resort. Each guest is given a golf cart to drive all over the resort with. Most of these only go up to about 14 mph--our bad boy would kick it all the way up to 28 mph. Yeah baby!
We took advantage of the horseback riding inclusion. Poor Maria, (Jeff's horse) seemed to be looking over her shoulder, wondering how many riders she was actually carrying. My little horse couldn't quite make up his mind whether or not he wanted to lag behind or take off for the front. We rode through the Dominican Jungle, past the polo fields and past some of the prettiest houses you've ever seen. You can tell how humid it was by the smudge mark on the camera. Yes, my friends, that is humidity. I didn't realize that it was like that until after the ride--hence every one of the earlier pictures has this same smudge mark. Coming from Northern Idaho it took a little getting used to.

Can you see why this might be my favorite resort ever? They had a huge trap/skeet range available for guests. I'm sorry to have to admit that Jeff kicked my butt. My dad would be so disappointed. We sure had a lot of fun though. Although with Ammo at $30 per box, it makes me really glad that I can shoot at home for a third of that. Shooting here gave us itchy trigger fingers. We are hoping to enjoy it way more often at home this spring/summer.
Have you ever actually played tennis with a real ball-boy? No, your kids do not count.
We played tennis a couple different times. We started out just playing the two of us and then after a while the ball boy came and asked if we wanted him to help. At $5 per hour and the aforementioned humidity, it was the best use of $5 we spent all week. Besides, he was the cutest little guy and had the biggest and most wonderful smile ever. His name was Edmundo. Did I mention how adorable he was? He didn't even complain once when one of us would send the ball sailing over the fence into the jungle and he would have to huff it on over there after it.
We actually played doubles with each of us getting the services of one of the resort pros to help. They were so patient and fun. They didn't know a whole lot of English but we had fun with our smattering of spanish. They taught us a lot and we actually improved quite a bit. (Thank goodness for Edmundo's sake.) Juan played with us two days and we also played with a guy whose arm was deformed. His had came off of his elbow. He's actually standing so that his arm is hidden behind Edmundo so you can't tell. He has been playing here at the resort since he was a boy though. It just goes to show that you can always find something that you can be good at--no matter the deformity.
We decided not to play any of the golf courses. Since we don't actually play all that much it would have been a total waste. However, we did take "the limo" for a fun little drive all over the course, checking out some of the holes and oogling all of the gorgeous houses all over. This particular course is called the "Teeth of the Dog" and I am assured that yes, in fact, this Dog definitely had a bite to it. As these pictures can partially attest to. At one point we watched a poor caddy actually wade into the ocean up to his knees in order to get one shanked ball. I hope his tip was good.
The Beach at night |
I think this picture turned out fun. There you go--we may not be the cutest couple in the bunch but we are best friends! I love him and he loves me. Besides--at least we make the cutest kids!
I just thought this was a cool picture--almost like capturing God inside the burning bush. The river was just down below, out of frame.
Jeff and I went snorkeling one day. There were a few fish just off the beach but it certainly wasn't Kapalua. We did find a huge tuna who swam up to check us out. He was probably about 3-4 feet. As I was following him around, I realized that I was suddenly in a pretty decent current--whereas before it had been perfectly calm. I looked up to see where I was and realized that I had been sucked out through the boat channel, out past the break water. Not panicking yet, I thought to myself, "hmmm, I'd better swim back. It's a pretty strong current right here." So I started swimming, only to find that I wasn't actually going anywhere. Still not panicking but thinking to myself, "self, this isn't good. Now what?" I figured that I might not be able to make it back through the breakwater but I could make it over the breakwater. So I swam to the rocks and ended up having to climb over the top of them while the waves broke on top of me. It wasn't too bad except that I scraped my hands up a little bit and ended up with some rocks and stuff embedded in my hands. Those little suckers were hard to get out. There were two that I couldn't see real well and couldn't quite get out until last night (3 weeks later) When I finally was successful at getting them out I figured out why they had hurt so bad--they were huge--both like little thorns an 1/8 of an inch long.