time taking all of the kids for rides on the quad. Maya would chase us down the road for a while and then get tired and turn around and go back. I love taking her out there with us. She loves the freedom and is just so happy. I think that's why I love it out there too. I just love the freedom you feel being out in the woods with, relatively no one else around. (Did I just compare myself to a dog?)

We were driving West in order to get home and the sunset that day was one of the most beautiful sunsets I think I have ever seen. That includes all of the gorgous ones from Tucson. I just had to stop and take some pictures. It flat out took my breath away. The colors were brilliant shades of oranges, reds and yellows and the colors on the cloud formations was just the coolest thing.
I'll let you judge for yourself--although I'm quite sure the pictures can't do it the justice it deserves.
1 comment:
The pictures are beautiful! I'm glad you still had the chance to get your "real" tree! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!
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