*Cereal---Honey Nut Cheerios
*Cereal---Honey Nut Cheerios
*Vegetable---Eggs n Toast :)
*Drink---Chocolate Milk
*Toy---Spiderman Toy
*TV Show---JoJo's Circus (although, I have no idea why he said this because he NEVER watches it--go figure)
*Book---"Katie and the Big Snow" (This is VERY true--I have literally read it to him hundreds of times and it has fallen to pieces.)
*Movie---"Peter Pan"
*Clothes---My spiderman shirt
If you could change your name, what would you choose? Prince Caspian or Raja
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? Bike rides and picnics and go on walks and find treasures.
What are some of your wishes for this year? Candy!! and that I'm Prince Derek--A handsome prince.
What do you love about each person in our family? Dad gives me high fives. Mom cuddles and kisses and hugs me all the time. Kaylee kisses me and hugs me. She gives me "Sossy" (His "Softy"). I like to play toys with Addy and princes and princesses with her.
*Cereal---Cookie Crisp
*Vegetable---Broccoli and candied carrots
*Drink---Orange Soda
*Toy---My dolls and doll clothes
*TV show---Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
*Book---Chronicles of Narnia
*Restaurant---San Miguels
If you could change your name, what would you choose? Kendra
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? Disneyland/Orlando (Universal)
What are some of your wishes for this year? To see the mountains and learn to drive and have a car of my own all the time. (Beautiful Dreamer!) and also to live in that BIG house.
What do you love about each person in our family? Dad tickles us--He makes me laugh all the time. Mom cuddles me. Drew acts silly and makes me laugh. I love that Kaylee likes the scriptures and we like the same stories and stuff--like Lilly's Big Day.
*Cereal---Cookie Crisp (I think we've only had that once--when we went camping--it must have made a really good impression)
*Drink---Henry Weinhardts Root Beer (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree)
*Toy---the Boat
*TV show---The Brady Bunch
*Game---Disney's Scene-It
*Book---"Little Women"
*Restaurant---Fazios in Bozeman, MT (Evidently that is where she and Jeff ate on their way home from picking up the truck in Kansas. I knew it would be a bonding experience!)
*Animal---Maya (what can we say, we all love that darn dog)
*Movie---Princess Diaries
If you could change your name, what would you choose? Zoe
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? Orlando
What are some of your wishes for this year? I want to see Mt. Rushmore as a family and see the White House. I also want to see the Rome, Italy temple dedicated.
What do you love about each person in our family? Dad always gives me a hug when he walks in the door after work. Mom cuddles me when I'm sad (what is it with the cuddling--Is that ALL I do???) Drew loves on me when I'm sad. I love that Addy likes to play soccer and is athletic
*Cereal---Cookie Crisp (which might explain why it's the girls favorite too.)
*Vegetable---Mimi's Green Beans
*Drink---Ice cold Henry Weinhardts root beer (Like I said--the apple...)
*TV show---Burn Notice
*Game---Spin the Bottle (To which Kaylee replied, "I never knew you knew how to play that!")
*Book---The Saturdays
*Restaurant---Cajuns Warf in L.R.
If you could change your name, what would you choose? "Dave"
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? Europe
What are some of your wishes for this year? Recoup some losses. Happy/Obedient/Grateful children and to make it down to 240#.
What do you love about each person in our family? Mom is my best friend (notice: He didn't mention cuddling. :) ). Kaylee is Daddies little travel buddy. Addy likes to eat adventurous things like artichoke hearts and olives with me. Andrew always wants to, "smell like a man" just like his daddy.
*Cereal---Granola (I know, how lame is that?)
*Vegetable---Does a potato count as a vegetable? No--well then I guess candied carrots
*Drink---Dr. Pepper (caffeine-free)
*Toy---the Boat
*TV show---"24"
*Book---after all these years, I still love the Belgariad series by David Eddings
*Restaurant---Hacienda Del Sol in Tucson
*Animal---I'm going with good 'ol Maya-dog
*Movie---My current favorite is Pride and Prejudice
If you could change your name, what would you choose? Mackenzie (I have no idea why!)
Where would you like to go on vacation this year? Why...to China and Switzerland of course.
What are some of your wishes for this year? (We'll see who's paying attention) I would love to have a HEALTHY baby. And I'd love to sell this house and find a different one that would fit our family a little better--for half the price (we are wishing after all).
What do you love about each person in our family? Daddy is patient and good and kind to us. He always knows when and how to bolster the rest of us up. Kaylee is very forgiving. She accepts my shortcomings and doesn't hold them against me. Addy is such a wonderful entertainer. She is always amusing us with a new story or song. Andrew is simply my joy! He keeps me young--amusing me with the funny things he says and the games that he likes to play.
I Love my family--there couldn't possibly be anything better than this!
What!?! When????
And that is such a great idea!
Is this an announcement that you're expecting?
Ok, Tell me...is there a little one on the way?
I think we all want to know if you are expecting or just hoping to be expecting. If you are expecting we could be having a baby at the same time. How weird is that?
Sooooooooo...are you pregnant? We are all anxiously awaiting your answer! :)
Hey Julie, it's Annette, how are you? This interview thing is such a good idea!
I can't believe you were only in Rochester for a year...it seems like we did more than we could've done in a year together.
I added your blog to my bloglist, hope thats's o.k.
I love that Addy wants to change her name to Kendra, its a GREAT name, any reason why? I have heard about your house negotiating- good luck. A new baby????
It appears that more people are paying attention to your blog than you thought! Are you expecting? When????
So, you say you want a 'healthy baby' and then you just leave us hanging? Are you expecting? huh huh huh?
OK..i read all the other comments on your blog about your little "lets see who paying attention gig" and I know you pretty well..so just spit it out and tell everyone WHEN????? Congrats...that'll be fun for your family..especially if Drew gets a little brother!!! Love ya girl!
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