This picture was taken on the shores Lake Ontario. Jeff and I moved up there in January right after graduating from college. We were coming from Arkansas which is pretty mild most of the time. We drove up to New York in the Ryder from Hell--that trip itself is definitely a full post all by itself--one that I'll save for later. We arrived in a bitter cold, windy snowstorm but we were still full of excitement and hope. We just knew everything would work out great. Life itself, is but a big adventure, right? One of the first things that we did was drive up to the lake. Neither one of us had ever been to any of the "great lakes" so we were excited to have a "first." I don't think we were prepared for the absolute shock of feeling that frigid wind ripping in off the lake---all coming down from the Canadian tundra. (at least that's what it felt like) The shore itself extended about 50-100 feet further into the lake than usual because of all the ice along the edge of the lake. It was really awesome looking in its own bleak way. I pretty sure that the first words we both said after getting back into the car and blasting the heater was a tandem, "What the freak did we get ourselves into."
I have been thinking about that little memory a bit right now. I think it comes to mind because I have personally been so bloody cold lately. It seems as if it won't ever warm up. I tend to spend large amounts of time in my bed---that's the warmest-coziest place in the house right now. I also am of course thinking about the thought of having 4 children to deal with and raise and that same thought keeps returning to my mind. "What the freak did we get ourselves into."
Julie, this is Sabrina Petty. I saw your name on Aubry's blog and was so excited to see how your family has grown over the years. You have done a wonderful job!
Come and visit us on our blog at mspetty.blogspot.com
Jeff, Mar-Kay said to be sure and tell you Hi!
Julie - I have the same thoughts lately. Very cold and "What did we get into." We did have a nice day yesterday and my toes were finally not cold. But almost everyday I think "What did we do" but still love it some how!
Love ya, Julie Lentz
Ya cold is not good...but then when spring comes you appreciate it more!
BTW, I have read two of the Love-N-Logic books and Kevin and I took the Love - N-Logic class last year and loved it. We are total L -N-L parents! I can't imagine going back to anything else!
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