Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ode to camping
Camping is where ...
We Smile More Often
Bonds are Strengthened
Weird Looks, Sounds and Smells go
Mostly UN-noticed
Games, Games and more Games are played
We ALL can win at Golf--especially if you have Maya, the wonder-dog to retrieve your shanked shot
A few tears are expected and even encouraged from time to time.
Crazy Jokes and Funny Stories are brought out and dusted off to new and hopefully appreciative audiences
and brews--
hence we learn that,
"the cocky shall be
thrust down to hell"
Forts are built and Magic Kingdoms are created
Sand Castles Arise from the sand
BIRTHDAYS are Celebrated
We love playing in the water--even if it is snow-melt cold
You play so hard and relax so much that you come home more tired than when you left--but at least it's a Happy sort of Satiated-tired.
Friday, May 22, 2009
click here for a quick reminder:
This morning while Andrew was peeing: "Stay on Target! Stay on Target" ---all in the somewhat computery voice that IS Porkins.
It's going to be a great day.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Flashback Friday
We are getting ready to go camping and I thought this picture would be a fun, quick flashback friday. This was out at Elk River 2 years ago. I'm blown away how much the kids have changed and grown in just the 2 short years.
This time we are able to camp in a pop-up trailer and we are headed up past Laird Park where the boys usually scare the elk during elk season. We are anticipating great weather and I'm really looking forward to making some fun "remember when we... " memories with the kids. Hope you all have a great Memorial day as well.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
K and the Articles of Faith
Monday, May 18, 2009
no kids---no problem
I'm amazed every time I go by the generous nature of Heavenly Father. He WANTS so very much to bless us and is looking for every opportunity to do so. That is never more apparent to me than when I go to the temple.
Afterwards Jeff and I and his sister Amanda went to check out some laptops. After years of encouraging him to check out the Macs he finally looked at one and realized how much better they are and the killer software that goes with them. He was hooked. We were almost ready to pay for it when he decided to think about it over lunch. So we went to (the ultimate sandwich place) Schlotzkies for a sandwich. He decided to call his tech support to make sure that they support the Macs and lucky that he did because he found out that they are still about a year away from being able to sync with the Macs. Their security system is so strict and proprietary that it is hard to access his office stuff from anywhere but in the office. So--back to the store we went to figure out what else would work for us. Which brand? Big screen/little screen? Battery size? touchpad? insurance/no insurance? upgrade by geek squad? security installed or not? Cash or no-interest payments? etc. etc. All of the decisions to be made all at one time almost killed us. :) While we deliberated all of these life-altering questions, I just kept thinking this whole time how glad I was that the kids weren't there. They would have been bored out of their minds the whole time. Consequently, I would have had to chase and threaten and discipline them the whole time. How nice it was to know that they were having fun where they were and that we could just concentrate on what we needed to concentrate on and get the job done.
All decisions finally having been made we headed home once again enjoying the opportunity to just drive--talk--savor the views and listen to the sounds of silence for a while. The drive was typical Palouse scenery in the Spring--gorgeous.
As relaxing and wonderful as the day was--it was also fun to have the kids meet us at the door with great big hugs and loud cheers of, "mommy--daddy, you're here! Yeah!" It's always heartwarming when you return home and know that you have been loved and missed.
To top it all off--we returned home to a clean house! What joy! (There had been a showing while we were gone and so we had worked hard the day before getting it all clean and ready to go.) I love coming home to a sparkling clean home.
What a GREAT day!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Andrew's Big 4 day!
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Joy of (even a little) Sunshine
I loved this picture of Drew. It sort of captures the essence of his personality--ALL BOY, super mischevious, fun-loving, Adventurous and yet SO darn sweet and cute!
I am amazed at the growth that I see in Kaylee in just one short year. This first picture was taken last year at about this time. The second was taken this weekend. She really is growing up! I'm not quite sure how I feel about that.
We really had a nice, relaxing time despite the excitement that ensued when the dog caught and killed the rooster and when Andrew grabbed the electric fence--no major damage done (unless you were the rooster). Kaylee had a fun time helping to fix the chicken coop and then transferring all of the baby chicks from the cage into the hen house. Hopefully the electric wire will keep not only Andrew and Mac (the dog) out but the coyotes as well.