Yesterday, Kaylee had her end of the year ice cream social for Achievement day girls. They went to the park to play and have ice cream sundays. They had previously been challanged to memorize all of the Articles of Faith. There are 13 Articles of Faith. For each one that they had memorized they could add 1 topping to their ice cream sunday. Each article tells about a different aspect of our religion. They basically outline the fundamental principles of what we, as Mormons, believe. I was so happy and pleased that she memorized all 13 of them. Not so that she could get lots of ice cream but I think that it is so important that we really know and understand the basic principles of our gospel. Without understanding what you believe one tends to either take it for granted or misunderstand the teachings thereby running the risk of becoming deceived or apathetic. As she was memorizing them we talked a lot about what they meant and how they applied to her. She's not a gospel theologian but this was a great step for her that will help her really grasp what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about and why it is so important for her to gain her own testimony that it is true.
Click here for a full copy of the 13 Articles of Faith:
kudos to K for learning about her own religion... People should *know* their own faith
Kaylee, I am so proud of you for memorizing all 13 Articles Of Faith. I always hope you remember the story I shared with you about the little 8 yr. old girl on a bus to Utah as told by Presisdent Monson. She changed the lives of so many people all because she knew the Articles of Faith. Keep working hard and know that by small and simple things, great things shall come to pass. Always remember that each step we take in building a testimony and furthering our knowledge of the Church Of Jesus Christ will help you in making great things happen. Remember that I love you!
Love, Melinda Bailey
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