Another boy seems to round off our family quite nicely and we are all thinking of all the things that we can teach this new little guy. Andrew can't wait to teach him how to play trucks and make noises and such. Addy wants to teach him how to dance with her and Kaylee wants to teach him how to do "poop patrol" so that she doesn't have to do it anymore. See, everyone has an agenda.
Now we just have to figure out what his name will be. Accepting all ideas! What are your favorites?
yep, definitely looks like a boy to me. good luck deciding on a name. john and i can't agree on boy names.
Boys are so wonderful! Congratulations! Don't think I'll be able to help much with the name though. We always have a terrible time coming up with boy names.
congratulations!! 2 boys 2 girls. boy names are hard, but i like the name hugh.
I think Nathan. Kaylee, Addy, Drew, and Nate.
That was a clear shot for sure. That is exciting for Andrew to have a little brother. congratulations!
Okay...I changed my mind. I think Nathaniel instead of Nathan. Nathaniel Bollinger. Very distinguished.
Congrats. Boys are a blast!
Congrats...a boy...fits the family perfect...hope you are feeling well.
Congratulations! I'm sorry-I've lost contact for a little while, but I was so excited to find this posting. Good luck with finding a boys name (we're presently struggling to agree on a name as well, but I definitely am a fan of the celtic boys names-Ian, Liam, Owen,...)
How about Paco. David wouldn't let me, but you can have it. Can't wait to meet Paco.
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