Addison is trying her hand at soccer this fall. She has very few skills but lots of heart and is having a great time doing it. She was put in as the defender for the first time the other night and I can't help but chuckle at the resulting conversation:
Dad: "Addy, you did awesome at defender. You made a great save out there at the end."
Addison: "Thanks dad, and I wasn't even playing with my cute hair."

(She's such a girly girl!!! Did she really come from me????) :)
I'm so glad to see you have joined the blogging world. It's such a great way to stay in touch or catch up after many years(in our case). Your family is beautiful and I look forward to getting to know them better!
cute little addie- it is hard to believe she didn't inherit her mother's amazing sense of competitiveness (ms?)!!! Have a great day!
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