The next morning we jumped back in the car and headed south to Cape Girardeau. Mimi-Jeff's grandma is still alive and doing great for being 98 years old. Her mind is not as sharp as it used to be--she tends to repeat herself quite frequently--We now know that, "Andrew sure is a pretty boy." She must have told us that 50 times. But for all of that she is doing pretty well. We were really happy that the kids could all meet her and will hopefully be old enough to remember her somewhat.
Jeff's aunt and uncle and cousins have several horses and the kids were thrilled to be able to ride them. We went to a church fundraising dinner that night. It's definitly the bible belt and quite an experience to have 900 people waiting for hours to get the chicken and dumplings and roast beef that they served. I can't imagine that happening anywhere else except there. The next day we went swimming in the pool for most of the day. It was nice to be able to swim in the pool all day without getting cold like
Anyway, after a few days playing in Cape, we drove further south to Little Rock and had some fun days with Jeff's mom and dad and brothers and sister. We went to a waterpark there and the kids had a blast shooting down all of the slides and playing in the wave pool and stuff. Even Andrew went down the big slides with us. It was great. He loved it. We got to play at the park in the rain, picked up a couple AR and MO geocaches and repainted Jeff's mom's bathroom. (just a few of the highlights) All in all it was a pretty good vacation. We flew home without any issues and made it home for the kids to start school the day after we got there. They seem to be settling in pretty well and I am enjoying my one-on-one time with Andrew. We usually have a blast with each other.
We are now just excited about the prospect of a visit from "grandma and grandpa". The kids have all sorts of plans for them!
--See you guys later
Jules- looks like you had fun on your trip- the kids are so cute!! I love this "blog" makes it easy to keep in touch! Have a great weekend!
Hey Julie- kristine told me you had blog. Your kids are cute and you look exactly the same. If you'd lioke you can e-mail me your e-mail address and I'll add yuo to my blog so you can check out my 3 crazy kids. It's rjk_johnson@hotmail
Welcome...don't ya love it...Keep us upadated....yeah
Julie!!! I am so glad you commented on my blog... now we can connect our families. I can't believe how big your little ones are. Time moves too fast. We are in Saguaro Park ward now, your old stomping ground, and we love it. Blogs are so fun... and I enjoy it more than journaling, also
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