Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
— Boyd K. Packer

I've finally decided to "retire" our stash of towels. I received most of these as wedding gifts 17 years ago. A few of them came from a really great garage sale and we have purchased an occasional odds and end. They have never matched anything we own.We have dried our bodies, dried the dog, mopped up puke, washed the cars, cleaned up mud, soaked up spilled Orange Juice, etc. etc. etc.

They have lived a good life and served their purpose well but now it is time for a change! I have always wanted a FULL set of towels. All the same color--all thick and deliciously soft without even the hint of a hole in it. I have never been able to justify the expense of doing them all at the same time and so I just kept piecemealling it. I am however, blessed with a great and inciteful sister-in-law who took pity on me at Christmastime and bought us a full set of towels---all in my favorite burgundy color. I love them. It is so nice to be able to dry off without pieces of terry cloth dangling down your back and your toes poking through the holes. I feel very luxurious being able to use a "whole" towel instead of a "holey" towel. I should have done this sooner.

...and just so that I feel like I'm living up to the counsel of Pres. Packer---I'll still use those old towels to dry the dog, mop up the puke, wash the car and soak up the spills. As long as I get to keep using my brand new, gorgeous ones to dry my body.


Becky said...

Julie, this post was wonderously domestic. Although I love your new towels, I am also jealous of your OLD towels, man, those look AWESOME for washing the car...

James and Aimee said...

Your new towells really do look luxurious! Mine (all came as wedding presents too) are starting to get a little scraggly. Hooray for your towells!