Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Love Faces-Anything Goes

I wanted to submit a couple pictures for the "I Love Faces" photography contest.

This picture is fun to me because you see the sheer delight in his whole posture. He is so excited about his little sucker treat. That innocent delight only comes during childhood. Too soon it will vanish away and be replaced with, "Is this it?" (I hope not)

This is my entry for the Adult section.

This is Jeff's grandma who just happens to be 99 years old.

She is still bright and kind, laughs easily and cares about all those around her. This, to me, is true beauty--to be able to look at your reflection, each wrinkle, each mark and know that each one represents moments of shared laughter, hard work, service to others and modeling your life, the very best you can, after the image of the Saviour.

If you would like to check out other contest entries, feel free to visit their website at


angie {the arthur clan} said...

So glad that you added your photos to our photgraphy sharing forum. I can't believe that your husband's grandma is 99 years old...she looks fantastic!

Thanks so much for joining in on the fun,

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

Drew said...

My grandma lived to be 99 also, and she enjoyed every minute of her life...never let age keep her from doing what she wanted. I can see your husband's grandma has the same zest for life.

And don't I know a boy's joy of candy. My boys love the sweets too. We pretty much only let them have suckers in the bath tub any more. Helps eliminate having to clean up a sticky mess. :)

Thanks for sharing two great photos!