Monday, January 5, 2009

Powder From the Gods

We have gotten SO much snow in the past couple weeks. It's a little crazy up here right now. I'm a fan of snow though so I'm not going crazy with it just yet although when I couldn't make it up my driveway in my 4-wheel drive truck I had to question my enthusiasm for it. I have captured some fun pictures of the snow though. I thought I would post some of them--just for those of you who are craving some powder from the Gods.

There is a Truck under there somewhere

There is always something special about seeing the sun shine after weeks of grey overcast skies. When that sun catches the snow on the trees and makes them sparkle like diamonds it is even more beautiful.

I took this one from inside my house through the open window. This was one behemoth of an icicle.

Somewhere under all of this snow are some stairs leading up through the arbor.

Kaylee's first "opportunity" to shovel the sidewalks. (Ahhh! My little girl is growing up)

I was sitting on the couch with Andrew, holding him, "like a baby" when he looked up and saw the moon. "look at that moon, mom" he said. I looked and it WAS really a beautiful moon. I just had to try a couple pictures of it.

And of course things like this............. are what happen when you have 3 feet of snow on the ground and freezing temperatures.

Dogs are turned into "UnderDog"

Princes and Princesses are saved by evil Ogres
And massive forts are built right in the middle of the house where everyone MUST pass through 50 times every day.
Ahhhh! These are good Days....Never to be Forgotten!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Did you sell your old truck? How much would you charge to rent out for a couple of months?