Saturday, January 2, 2010

Personalized Notepads

I found the coolest idea from Chocolate on My Cranium last year and I have been iching to try it out ever since. You can find the tutorial HERE. She explains everything you need to make them and just how easy it is. I finally gathered the materials to try it and have been having fun with my first attempts. You can be as creative as you want or as simple as you want. I think they make a really fun, simple, yet very personal gift since you can tailor it for exactly the interests and likes of any person. At the same time it is Cheap to make. I also just found a super cool graphics site that has free vintage graphics that you can use. I love it. Find or make the perfect graphic, add a matching quote, dress it up with a border or other embellishment and there you have it--the perfect little personalized gift. BTW, if you are searching for the perfect quote you can try this little site. It has all kinds of good quotes to use.

If you want to give it a try sometime before you buy the padding compound for yourself. Give me a call, you can come over we can do some together. You'll see how fun it is.


Matt and Melinda Bailey said...

I like that so much, I might just have to drive up there and check it out! What's the start up cost?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing the link for its tutorial. I really love notepads because I love to write anything and I always make sure that I always carry it on my bag. This is really perfect for souvenirs and gift ideas for Christmas.